  1. Tree of Life

From the recording Tree of Life

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"Tree of Life" is the inaugural recording project of Delivered on DMG Records. "Tree of Life" is the breakout single from the album "Reconciled".


Delivered Music Group DMG Records
Tree of Life

There is a tree , in the midst of the garden . In the midst of the paradise of God .
Twelve manner of fruit , it brings in season . The leaves are for the healing of the nations .
It sits by the river of water in the paradise of God.
Jesus Christ gives us the right to eat from the Tree of Life .
Jesus Christ gives us the right to eat from the Tree of Life .
Jesus Christ gives us the right to eat from the Tree of Life .

Tree of Life , Tree of Life , Tree of Life
Tree of Life , Tree of Life , Tree of Life

There is another tree that God has planted , on a hill called Golgotha .
And on this tree there hung the Savior . Crucified for the sins of mankind .
To restore our relationship with God , He washed away our sin.
Jesus Christ gives us the right to eat from the Tree of Life .
Jesus Christ gives us the right to eat from the Tree of Life .
Jesus Christ gives us the right to eat from the Tree of Life .

Tree of Life , Tree of Life , Tree of Life .
Tree of Life , Tree of Life , Tree of Life .